Promoting creative expression in the mental health approach

Tito Vicente Samossi Joaquim, artistically known as Tito Vibes, is a young artist who has found a way to express his dreams, struggles, and aspirations for the future in painting. Born in the Santa Tereza neighbourhood of Viana, where, from an early age, his joy was drawing, Tito filled his school notebooks with doodles and drawings that told stories that words could not express.

His passion for art blossomed even more when he met a neighbour who attended a renowned art school and became his mentor, allowing him to take his first steps into the art world. Over time, Tito became self-taught, immersing himself in tutorials and practising incessantly, exploring new techniques and transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary.

When he heard about the Arts Competition on Mental Health, Tito saw the opportunity to share his art and his own story. His painting, made with dried and damaged wood, demonstrates that through art, everyone can take ”a journey through their psychic problems and find inner peace and tranquillity”.

On October 10, 2024, the world celebrated World Mental Health Day, a global occasion dedicated to raising awareness about mental health, fighting stigma and mobilising efforts to promote its support. In Angola, this particular date was marked by the award ceremony and inauguration of the exhibition of the art competition on mental health, an initiative of the Ministry of Health through the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Program, together with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Camões – Portuguese Cooperation Center, with the support of the Private University of Angola (UPRA), JUCARENTE and the Venâncio de Moura Diplomatic Academy. Entries in the poetry, painting and photography categories were received between July 1 and September 6, 2024.

In total, 180 candidates participated in the art competition on mental health, with artworks in poetry, painting, and photography expressing their vision and perception of mental health. Of these, 15 were awarded certificates of merit and prizes for excellence.

By winning first place in the competition in the painting category, Tito is not only celebrating and recognising the value of his voice but also bringing to light issues that are often silenced and impacting mental health.

To strengthen effective leadership and governance for mental health; provide comprehensive, integrated, and responsive community mental health services; implement mental health promotion and prevention strategies; and strengthen mental health information, evidence, and research systems, in May 2013, the 194 WHO Member States signed a Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030.

Dr Zabulon Yoti, Acting WHO Representative in Angola, says that ”this action plan is the first in the history of the WHO, marking the official recognition of the importance of mental health for the 194 Member States”.

The first edition of the art competition on mental health in Angola is framed within the Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2030 premises. Its theme, “Mental Health: A Right for All”, appeals to Angolan society about the importance of mental health as an essential pillar for the dignity and well-being of everyone, which must be guaranteed equally for all.

”I thank the WHO, the Angolan Ministry of Health and all the partners for this opportunity. There is no health without mental health; art is a therapy that saves lives,” says Tito Vibes.

Tito’s story is a clear example that mental health is a right for all, and each of us can make a difference with our own story.

Source: World Health Organization (WHO) – Angola