President Tebboune receives representatives of Algerian community abroad in Rome

ROME-The President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune met Wednesday in Rome with representatives of the national community in Italy during his state visit to Italy.


On this occasion, President Tebboune affirmed that his meeting with the national community at the beginning of his visit reflected his willingness to listen to the concerns and expectations of the Diaspora, and involve them in the development of the country.


The President of the Republic welcomed the creation of the Union of Algerians in Italy which will be “proactive” in several fields.


As for the relations between Algeria and Italy, the head of state welcomed the historical and honorable positions of Italy vis-à-vis Algeria, particularly during the Liberation Revolution, recalling the support of Enrico Mattei “as an unparalleled friend.”


Algeria-Italy ties are strong and among the densest between Arab and European countries in the Mediterranean region, said President Tebboune.


He said that Italy has supported Algeria in its most difficult moments, especially during the 1990s, said the president.


“When Algeria sank into the darkness of the bloody tunnel of the 90s, only Italy stood by our side. A tight air and land blockade was imposed on us, and Alitalia was the only company to break this blockade,” recalled President Tebboune.


The President of the Republic also referred to Italy’s financial support during the financial crisis that Algeria experienced in the early 90s when Algeria struggled to settle its debts to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and its treasury had a balance of US$300 million.


Addressing the economic relations with Italy, Tebboune recalled the importance of Algeria which is among the main suppliers of gas to Italy.


Noting that Algeria was the second supplier of gas to Italy, the head of state said: “We are working to strengthen the partnership with Italy to make further discoveries, increase the quantities supplied, and even become the first supplier to Europe.


The two countries will also continue to invest in the military, naval, and electronics industries, he stated.


Startups are another thrust of cooperation that Algeria intends to develop with Italy, said Tebboune who reported a proposal to benefit from support and financing from the Italian Fund for Startups.


Algeria can also benefit from Italy’s experience in eradicating the parallel market. Italy has reduced it from 70% after the Second World War to 15% currently, said the head of state.


President Tebboune also assured that promising prospects exist for economic partnership between the two countries.


“We have similarities in several areas and we seek to boost the economic partnership in various sectors, such as the shipbuilding industry, aviation, and light industries such as food and furniture,” he continued.


Responding to the concerns and questions of representatives of the diaspora in Italy, President Tebboune called on Algerian businessmen to launch projects with their counterparts in Italy, especially since Algeria offers all the facilities to achieve this goal.


Also, he called on Algerian researchers based in Italy to create associations and establish contact with their country to transfer their knowledge and contribute to the development of the national economy.


“The time has come to realize implement projects in scientific research, and the doors are open to all,” said Tebboune.



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