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June 27, 2024

Yemeni Army foils Houthi infiltration attempt north Taizz

Taizz, The Yemeni army thwarted an infiltration attempt by Houthi militias towards its positions north of Taizz city.

According to the official Yemen News Agency (Saba), a military source reported that the Houthi militias attempted to infiltrate army…

Yemeni Army foils Houthi infiltration attempt north Taizz

Taizz, The Yemeni army thwarted an infiltration attempt by Houthi militias towards its positions north of Taizz city.

According to the official Yemen News Agency (Saba), a military source reported that the Houthi militias attempted to infiltrate army…

Yemeni Army foils Houthi infiltration attempt north Taizz

Taizz, The Yemeni army thwarted an infiltration attempt by Houthi militias towards its positions north of Taizz city.

According to the official Yemen News Agency (Saba), a military source reported that the Houthi militias attempted to infiltrate army…

Yemeni Army foils Houthi infiltration attempt north Taizz

Taizz, The Yemeni army thwarted an infiltration attempt by Houthi militias towards its positions north of Taizz city.

According to the official Yemen News Agency (Saba), a military source reported that the Houthi militias attempted to infiltrate army…