EY annonce que, cette année, le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 New England est Mike Jackowski de Duck Creek Technologies

Mise à l’honneur des leaders audacieux qui perturbent les marchés, révolutionnent les industries et transforment les vies

BOSTON, 19 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — , 18 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) a annoncé que Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies, a remporté le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 New England. Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year est le principal programme de récompenses délivrées sur concours pour les entrepreneurs et les dirigeants d’entreprises à forte croissance.

Monsieur Jackowski a été sélectionné par un jury indépendant composé de précédents lauréats, de chefs d’entreprise de premier plan et d’autres chefs d’entreprise. Les candidats ont été évalués selon différents indicateurs clés, notamment leur capacité à créer de la valeur à long terme grâce à leur esprit d’entreprise, leur engagement pour atteindre leur objectif et la démonstration de leur croissance et de leur impact substantiel.

« Je suis très honoré d’être reconnu pour mon travail et d’avoir remporté le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® en Nouvelle-Angleterre », a déclaré Monsieur Jackowski. « J’ai le privilège de travailler aux côtés de certains des meilleurs et des plus talentueux professionnels du secteur de l’assurance et ce prix n’aurait pas été possible sans le soutien de toute l’équipe de Duck Creek. Au nom de Duck Creek, je remercie Ernst & Young et le jury de nous avoir décerné cette récompense. »

En tant que lauréat du prix de la Nouvelle-Angleterre, Jackowski est désormais éligible pour concourir aux prix nationaux de l’Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024. Les lauréats des prix nationaux, y compris le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall, seront annoncés en novembre à l’occasion du Strategic Growth Forum®, l’un des plus prestigieux rassemblements nationaux d’entreprises à forte croissance et à la pointe du marché. Le lauréat du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year National Overall participera ensuite à la compétition pour le prix World Entrepreneur Of The Year® en juin 2025.

Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year récompense différents types de chefs d’entreprise pour leur ingéniosité, leur courage et leur esprit d’entreprise. Le programme met à l’honneur les fondateurs originaux qui sont partis de rien et ont lancé leur entreprise ou qui ont levé des capitaux extérieurs pour la développer, les PDG inventifs qui ont insufflé un vent d’innovation dans une organisation existante pour catapulter sa trajectoire et les dirigeants d’entreprises familiales multigénérationnelles qui ont réinventé un modèle d’entreprise patrimoniale pour le fortifier pour l’avenir.

Le programme Entrepreneur Of The Year a déjà récompensé le leadership d’entrepreneurs tels que :

  • Daymond John de FUBU
  • Hamdi Ulukaya de Chobani, Inc.
  • Holly Thaggard et Amanda Baldwin de Supergoop!
  • Howard Schultz de Starbucks Coffee Company
  • James Park de Fitbit
  • Jodi Berg de Vitamix
  • Kendra Scott de Kendra Scott LLC
  • Michael Happe de Winnebago Industries
  • Reid Hoffman et Jeff Weiner de LinkedIn Corporation
  • Sheila Mikhail de AskBio

Les lauréats du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year sont membres à vie d’une communauté mondiale et multisectorielle d’entrepreneurs. Ils bénéficient d’un accès exclusif et permanent à l’expérience, à la perspicacité et à la sagesse des anciens du programme et d’autres membres de l’écosystème réparti dans plus de 60 pays, tout en s’appuyant sur les vastes ressources d’EY.

En plus de l’Entrepreneur Of The Year, EY US soutient d’autres entrepreneurs à travers le programme EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ (les femmes qui gagnent) et le réseau EY Entrepreneurs Access Network (EAN) pour aider à mettre en relation les femmes fondatrices avec les entrepreneurs noirs et/ou hispaniques/latinos en apportant les ressources, le réseau et l’accès nécessaires pour libérer tout leur potentiel.


Créés et organisés par Ernst & Young LLP, les prix Entrepreneur Of The Year comptent parmi leurs sponsors PNC Bank, Cresa, Marsh USA, SAP et la fondation Ewing Marion Kauffman. En Nouvelle-Angleterre, les sponsors comprennent également un sponsor principal, DLA Piper.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives.

Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Visitez le site www.duckcreek.com pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

À propos du prix Entrepreneur Of The Year®

Créé en 1986, le prix Entrepreneur Of The Year® a récompensé plus de 11 000 visionnaires ambitieux à la tête d’entreprises dynamiques et prospères aux États-Unis et s’est depuis étendu à près de 80 pays et territoires dans le monde.

Le programme américain se compose de 17 programmes régionaux dont les jurys indépendants sélectionnent les lauréats régionaux chaque année au mois de juin. Ces lauréats concourent pour une reconnaissance nationale à l’occasion du Strategic Growth Forum® en novembre, où les finalistes et les lauréats nationaux sont annoncés. Le grand gagnant national représente les États-Unis au concours World Entrepreneur Of The Year®. Visitez le site ey.com/us/eoy.

À propos d’EY

La raison d’être d’EY est de construire un monde du travail meilleur, en aidant à créer de la valeur à long terme pour les clients, les personnes et la société et en renforçant la confiance dans les marchés financiers.

Grâce aux données et à la technologie, les diverses équipes d’EY, réparties dans plus de 150 pays, apportent la confiance nécessaire par le biais de l’assurance et aident les clients à se développer, à se transformer et à opérer.

Travaillant dans les domaines de l’assurance, du conseil, du droit, de la stratégie, de la fiscalité et des transactions, les équipes d’EY posent de meilleures questions pour trouver de nouvelles réponses aux problèmes complexes auxquels notre monde est aujourd’hui confronté.

EY se base sur son organisation mondiale et peut désigner un ou plusieurs cabinets membres d’Ernst & Young Global Limited, chacun d’entre eux étant une entité juridique distincte. Ernst & Young Global Limited, une société britannique à responsabilité limitée par garantie, ne fournit pas de services aux clients. Des informations sur la manière dont EY collecte et utilise les données personnelles, ainsi qu’une description des droits dont disposent les individus en vertu de la législation sur la protection des données, sont disponibles sur ey.com/privacy. Les cabinets membres d’EY ne pratiquent pas le droit là où les lois locales l’interdisent. Pour plus d’informations sur notre organisation, veuillez consulter le site ey.com.

Contacts médias :
Dennis Dougherty

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9156078

EY Divulga a Nomeação de Mike Jackowski da Duck Creek Technologies Como Vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 da Nova Inglaterra

Em comemoração aos líderes audaciosos que revolucionam os mercados e as indústrias, e transformam vidas

BOSTON, June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) anunciou que Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies, foi nomeado vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2024 da Nova Inglaterra. O Entrepreneur Of The Year (Empreendedor do Ano) é o principal programa de premiação competitiva de empreendedores e líderes de empresas de alto crescimento.

Jackowski foi selecionado por um painel de jurados independentes composto por vencedores de prêmios anteriores, CEOs líderes e outros líderes empresariais. Os candidatos foram avaliados com base na sua capacidade de criar valor a longo prazo através do espírito empreendedor, compromisso com o seu propósito e demonstração de crescimento e impacto substancial, entre outros indicadores principais.

“É uma honra para mim ser reconhecido como Entrepreneur Of The Year® da Nova Inglaterra”, disse Jackowski. “Tenho o privilégio de trabalhar ao lado de alguns dos melhores e mais talentosos profissionais do setor de seguros e este prêmio não seria possível sem o apoio de toda a equipe da Duck Creek. Em nome da Duck Creek, agradeço à Ernst & Young e ao júri por nos conceder este prêmio.”

Como vencedor do prêmio da Nova Inglaterra, Jackowski passou a ser elegível para ser considerado para o Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year 2024 Nacional. Os vencedores do Prêmio Nacional, incluindo o vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year Geral Nacional, serão anunciados em novembro no Strategic Growth Forum®, um dos encontros de maior prestígio do país de empresas líderes de mercado e de alto crescimento. O vencedor do Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year Geral Nacional passará a competir pelo Prêmio Entrepreneur Of The Year® do Mundo em junho de 2025.

O Empreendedor do Ano reconhece muitos tipos diferentes de líderes empresariais por sua engenhosidade, coragem e espírito empreendedor. O programa celebra fundadores originais que iniciaram seus negócios ou que levantaram capital externo para expandir sua empresa; CEOs transformacionais que infundiram inovação em uma organização existente para catapultar sua trajetória; e líderes de empresas familiares multigeracionais que reimaginaram um modelo de negócios legado para fortalecê-lo para o futuro.

O programa Empreendedor do Ano reconheceu a liderança de empreendedores como:

  • Daymond John da FUBU
  • Hamdi Ulukaya da Chobani, Inc.
  • Holly Thaggard e Amanda Baldwin da Supergoop!
  • Howard Schultz da Starbucks Coffee Company
  • James Park da Fitbit
  • Jodi Berg da Vitamix
  • Kendra Scott da Kendra Scott LLC
  • Michael Happe da Winnebago Industries
  • Reid Hoffman e Jeff Weiner, da LinkedIn Corporation
  • Sheila Mikhail da AskBio

Os vencedores do Entrepreneur Of The Year Award tornam-se membros vitalícios de uma comunidade global e multi-industrial de empreendedores. Eles recebem acesso exclusivo e contínuo à experiência, visão e sabedoria de ex-alunos do programa e outros membros do ecossistema em mais de 60 países — todos apoiados por vastos recursos da EY.

Além do Empreendedor do Ano, a EY US apoia outros empreendedores por meio do programa EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ (Mulheres Vencedoras) e da EY Entrepreneurs Access Network (EAN) para ajudar a conectar mulheres fundadoras e empreendedores negros e hispânicos/latinos, respectivamente, com recursos, rede e acesso necessários para revelar todo o seu potencial.


Fundado e produzido pela Ernst & Young LLP, o Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards inclui os patrocinadores PNC Bank, Cresa, Marsh USA, SAP e a Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Na Nova Inglaterra, os patrocinadores também incluem um patrocinador principal, a DLA Piper.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes.

Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite www.duckcreek.com para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Sobre o Entrepreneur Of The Year®

Fundado em 1986, a Entrepreneur Of The Year® celebrou mais de 11.000 visionários ambiciosos que lideram negócios dinâmicos e bem-sucedidos nos EUA e, desde então, expandiu-se para quase 80 países e territórios em todo o mundo.

O programa dos EUA consiste em 17 programas regionais cujos painéis de juízes independentes selecionam os vencedores dos prêmios regionais todo mês de junho. Esses vencedores competem pelo reconhecimento nacional no Strategic Growth Forum® em novembro, onde são anunciados os finalistas nacionais e os vencedores dos prêmios. O vencedor Nacional Geral representa os EUA na competição World Entrepreneur Of The Year®. Visite ey.com/us/eoy.

Sobre a EY

A EY está voltada para a criação de um mundo de trabalho melhor, ajudando a criar valor a longo prazo para clientes, pessoas e sociedade, e estabelecer confiança nos mercados de capitais.

Habilitadas por dados e tecnologia, diversas equipes da EY em mais de 150 países fornecem confiança por meio da garantia e ajudam os clientes a crescer, transformar e operar.

Trabalhando com garantia, consultoria, direito, estratégia, impostos e transações, as equipes da EY fazem perguntas melhores para encontrar novas respostas para os problemas complexos que nosso mundo enfrenta hoje.

A EY refere-se à organização global e pode se referir a uma ou mais firmas-membro da Ernst & Young Global Limited, cada uma delas uma entidade legal separada. A Ernst & Young Global Limited, uma empresa do Reino Unido limitada por garantia, não presta serviços aos clientes. Informações sobre como a EY coleta e usa dados pessoais e uma descrição dos direitos que os indivíduos têm sob a legislação de proteção de dados estão disponíveis em ey.com/privacy. As firmas-membro da EY não praticam a lei onde proibido pelas leis locais. Para mais informações sobre a nossa organização, visite ey.com.

Contato com a Mídia:
Dennis Dougherty

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9156078

UN: Ambassador Hilale Highlights HM the King’s Attachment to Values ??of Coexistence and Fight against Hate Speech

United Nations - Morocco's permanent representative to the UN, ambassador Omar Hilale, highlighted, Tuesday in New York, Morocco's firm and permanent attachment, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, to the values ??of coexistence and to the fight against hate speech and intolerance. Hilale was speaking at a high-level event co-organized by the Permanent Mission of Morocco to the United Nations and the UN Office for the Prevention of Genocide on the occasion of the 3rd International Day for Countering Hate Speech under the theme "Investing in the Power of Youth on Countering and addressing Hate Speech'. This Day, celebrated on June 18, was proclaimed by the UN in July 2021 at Morocco's initiative. During this event, the ambassador stated that His Majesty King Mohammed VI has given His High Instructions to place the Moroccan youth at the heart of any integrated development strategy, by adopting policies that focus on the principles of equal opportunities, quality education, good c itizenship, intellectual and professional empowerment. The aim is to ensure that Moroccan youngsters are protected against any marginal risky behavior and empowered to act as vectors of change in the society, he said, adding that the involvement of the Moroccan youth in combating and reducing the rhetorics of extremism and hatred in society has proven to be very useful in combating all forms of social exclusion, hence the relevance of the Moroccan Integrated National Youth Strategy (2015-2030). He further affirmed that Morocco attaches great importance to the indispensable role of civil society and youth associations, hence the establishment, in July 2011, of the Consultative Council for Youth and Associative Action. 'To date, Morocco has around 50,000 associations present throughout the national territory. These associations operate in several areas covering education, including social inclusion, health, sport, political leadership, the defense of human rights and youth development', he indicated, saying that the work of these associations helps shield the Moroccan youth from the scourge of hate speech and empower them as actors of change. Hilale further stated that His Majesty the King reiterated the importance of youth inclusion in his Royal Speech delivered during the opening ceremony of the Ninth United Nations Alliance of Civilisations Global Forum, held in Fez in November 2022, when the Sovereign underlined that: ''Dialogue is inter-generational, meaning that it should involve young people and be concerned with the present as well as the future. Young people do not only represent the generations we must shield form the scourge of war and hate speech; they are the ones already making peace.'' Other speakers at this event praised the role and leadership of the Kingdom in the fight against hate speech, in all its forms, including in the digital space. They also indicated that this international Day serves as a reminder of the importance of standing together against hate speech and mobilizing the efforts of all components of society, including young people, to overcome this scourge. The holding of this high-level event recognizes the role of Morocco, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty the King, as a regional and international leader in the fight against hate speech. It is also a recognition of the actions that the Kingdom continues to undertake to promote the virtues of coexistence, living together and dialogue in the world. The event was marked by a message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. In this message, the senior UN official notably indicated that young people are often the most affected by hate speech, particularly online, believing that these young people must be part of the solution. 'Governments, local authorities, religious, business and community leaders have a duty to invest in measures to promote tolerance, diversity and inclusion, and to combat hate speech in all its forms', he recommended. For his part, the President of the UN General Assembly, Dennis Francis insisted in his pre-recorded message on the need to reflect the values ??of harmony, tolerance, understanding and respect which are fundamental for healthy societies. "This is how we must involve the 1.2 billion people on the planet. Young people, who represent 16% of the world's population, are the most connected online. They are often the first to be exposed to hatred online, as targets, victims or spectators, and they have an essential rule to play as actors of positive change,'' he said. Several ambassadors and diplomats accredited to the UN participated in this event which as marked by the interventions of young people and a number of UN officials, namely the UN Under-Secretary-General for Youth Affairs, the Special Adviser on rights of children at UNICEF, the Special Adviser of the Office on the issue of violence against children, the Representatives of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Road Accidents Claim 19 Lives in Morocco’s Urban Areas over Past Week

Rabat - Nineteen people were killed and 2,968 injured, 124 of them seriously, in the 2,191 road accidents that occurred in urban areas from June 10 to 16, according to the General Directorate for National Security (DGSN). These accidents were mainly due to drivers' inattention, failure to give priority, speeding, failure to keep a safe distance, loss of vehicles' control and pedestrians' inattention, DGSN pointed out in a press release. With regard to the control and repression of traffic offenses, the security services drew up 36,222 tickets, 5,548 reports submitted to the public prosecutor's office, while 30,674 transactional fines were collected, according to the same source. The sums collected from these fines amounted to over 6.56 million dirhams, according to the statement, which also mentioned the impounding of 3,727 vehicles, the seizure of 5,548 documents and the withdrawal of 186 vehicles from circulation. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Croatia: HACA Chief Calls for Africa’s Involvement in Global Digital Governance

Dubrovnik - President of the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (HACA), Latifa Akharbach, called on Tuesday in Dubrovnik for Africa's involvement in global digital platform governance. "Africa must have an important role in the governance of global digital platforms," she said in a speech at the opening of the International Conference on Digital Platform Governance, held by Unesco and Croatia's Electronic Media Agency, to mark the International Day against Hate Speech. Ms. Akharbach, who was also speaking in her capacity as President of the African Communication Regulation Authorities Network (ACRAN), made the case for Africa's essential contribution to the establishment of a universal framework for the regulation of digital platforms, based on a global consensus that respects diversity. "As the world's youngest continent, with 65% of its population under the age of 35, Africa must, in the digital domain, be both able to access progress and protect itself against disruptions," she pointed out. T he situation is urgent as the lack of governance of the actions of big tech giants is already affecting the continent in many ways, Ms. Akharbach pointed out. Africa is already having to deal with the "brain drain" and the "data drain" in the context of the ultra-fast development of technology and the insufficiently regulated uses of artificial intelligence (AI), she observed. While expressing her support for Unesco initiative to create a Global Forum of Regulators, the HACA chief called for best practices dedicated to tailoring the governance of giant platforms to the challenges of technological, cultural, and media sovereignty in Africa. In this regard, she mentioned the recent agreement signed between Morocco, UNESCO, and the AI Movement Center of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University to set up a center of excellence in the fields of AI and data science, with a focus on Africa's needs in terms of ethical issues, data management, impact on employment, and transparency. Several senior Unesco officials, C roatia's ministers of Culture and Justice, representatives of the EU, as well as regulators from 70 countries on five continents attended the opening ceremony. Held under the theme "Building a Global Network Forum," the two-day conference aims to rally international networks of audiovisual media, electronic media, online regulators, and digital platform representatives against the exponential spread and proliferation of hate speech, discrimination, and xenophobia online. The highlight of the event is the launch of the Global Forum of Networks of Regulators, bringing together regulatory authorities to establish a global, collaborative space for discussions and the exchange of best practices in the regulation of digital platforms. Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Kuwait Cabinet touts successful Hajj season

The Kuwaiti Cabinet on Wednesday commended Saudi Arabia's distinguished efforts and care for pilgrims, congratulating Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince and Prime Minister Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz on this year's successful Hajj season. In a statement following its weekly meeting, the cabinet also spoke highly of the proper organization, security measures, and medical services that enabled pilgrims to perform their rituals so smoothly and comfortably. The great efforts of the Kuwaiti Hajj Mission, together with volunteers and medical staff, in providing all necessary services to Kuwaiti pilgrims, were also appreciated. Locally, the ministers voiced thanks and appreciation for the response of the Ministry of Interior, General Fire Force, Ministry of Health, and Kuwait Municipality to the recent tragic fire that claimed the lives of scores of people. Spearheaded by First Deputy Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Fahad Youssef Saud Al-Sabah, the ensuing inspection campaign targeting violating buildings and facilities nationwide was greatly commended during the meeting. In this context, the efforts of Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Dr. Noura Al-Mashaan and officials of other ministries and state bodies involved were also extolled during the weekly cabinet meeting, presided over by His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Furthermore, the cabinet applauded the humanitarian initiative of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah for handing out donations to the victims and airlifting their corpses to their homeland. In view of the power cutoff, Minister of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy and Minster of State for Housing Affairs Dr. Mohammad Abdulaziz Bushehri kept the cabinet up to date on the causes of the power outage affecting some parts of the country earlier in the day, citing high power consumption at peak hours. The minister reassured that maintenance c ontracts and tenders for revamping the efficiency of power plants were approved on June 11. Source: Kuwait News Agency